home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- |Default:
- x0 html/splashscreen.htm | Help menu (no context)
- x30071 html/splashscreen.htm | F1 (no context)
- |
- |Preferences:
- x30142 html/06formatting28.html| style sheet (HIDD_PREFS_STYLESHEETS)
- x30145 html/05sitemgmt8.html| site ftp (HIDD_PREFS_SITEFTP)
- x3015D html/02basics8.html| status bar (HIDD_PREFS_DOWNLOAD_STATS)
- x301A6 html/14templatesLib28.html| automatic translation, translators (HIDD_PREFS_TRANSLATORS)
- x30237 html/03SitesandDocs18.html| invisible elements (HIDD_PREFS_INVISIBLES)
- x3023B html/13editingHTML12.html| HTML rewriting (HIDD_PREFS_HTML)
- x30255 html/02basics16.html#65954| general (HIDD_PREFS_GENERAL)
- x30256 html/09layers5.html| layer (HIDD_PREFS_DEFAULT_LAYER)
- x30262 html/13editingHTML13.html| HTML format (HIDD_PREFS_SOURCE_FORMAT)
- x302CF html/05sitemgmt29.html| preview in browser (HIDD_PREFS_PREVIEW_BROWSERS)
- x302D2 html/02basics5.html| floating palettes (HIDD_PREFS_FLOATERS)
- x3501A html/02basics17.html| fonts/encoding (HIDD_PREFS_FONTS)
- x35021 html/13editingHTML20.html| external editors (HIDD_PREFS_HELPER_APPS)
- x35027 html/13editingHTML14.html| HTML colors (HIDD_PREFS_HTML_TAG_COLORS)
- x35040 html/14templatesLib5.html| highlighting (HIDD_PREFS_HIGHLIGHTING)
- x35049 html/13editingHTML10.html| QTE (HIDD_PREFS_QUICK_TAG_EDITOR)
- |
- |Dialogs:
- x300F8 html/08tables14.html| insert rows/columns (HIDD_DIALOG_INSERT_ROWS_COLUMNS)
- x300F9 html/08tables16.html| split cells dialog -- same underlying dialog as 300F8, different help ID
- x3011B html/06formatting19.html| edit CSS style sheet (HIDD_STYLE_MANAGEMENT_DIALOG)
- x3011C html/06formatting5.html| edit font list (HIDD_DIALOG_FONTMENU)
- x30125 html/06formatting11.html#66250| new HTML Style (HIDD_HSTYLE_NEW)
- x30153 html/14templatesLib14.html| lib/template update site (HIDD_UPDATE_SITE)
- x30158 html/09layers30.html| rename timeline (HIDD_DIALOG_RENAME_TIMELINE)
- x30159 html/11multimedia18.html| parameters from prop insp. (HIDD_DIALOG_PARAMETERS)
- x301C1 html/05sitemgmt25.html| Browser Target Check (HIDD_BTC_DO_CHECK)
- x301C2 html/05sitemgmt7.html| site window
- x301C6 html/09layers14.html| grid settings (HIDD_TITANGRIDS)
- x30205 html/06formatting32.html| check spelling (HIDD_SPELLING)
- x3020C html/03SitesandDocs25.html| page properties (HIDD_PP_PAGE_PROPS_GENERAL)
- x3021F html/06formatting10.html| list properties (HIDD_TAG_PP_LIST_GENERAL)
- x3022A html/13editingHTML24.html| script properties (HIDD_DIALOG_WIDGET_SCRIPT)
- x3023E html/06formatting13.html| link external style sheet (HIDD_STYLE_ADD_IMPORT_DIALOG)
- x30240 html/06formatting15.html| new style (HIDD_STYLE_NAME_DIALOG)
- x30241 html/06formatting20.html| style definition for type (HIDD_STYLE_PP_TYPE)
- x30242 html/06formatting21.html| style definition for background (HIDD_STYLE_PP_BACKGROUND)
- x30243 html/06formatting22.html| style definition for block (HIDD_STYLE_PP_BLOCK)
- x30244 html/06formatting24.html| style definition for border (HIDD_STYLE_PP_BORDER)
- x30245 html/06formatting23.html| style definition for box (HIDD_STYLE_PP_BOX)
- x30246 html/06formatting25.html| style definition for list (HIDD_STYLE_PP_LIST)
- x3024D html/15forms9.html| initial list values for list/menu (HIDD_DIALOG_LIST_VALUES)
- x30271 html/06formatting29.html| convert to 3.0 compatible (HIDD_DEVOLVE)
- x3028F html/14templatesLib15.html| export editable regions as XML (HIDD_EXPORT_EDITABLE_AS_XML)
- x30290 html/14templatesLib8.html| unmark editable region (HIDD_REMOVE_EDITABLE_REGION)
- x30291 html/03SitesandDocs36.html| adjust tracing image position (HIDD_DIALOG_TRACING_ADJUST)
- x302A7 html/05sitemgmt3.html| define (remote?) sites (HIDD_SITE_EDIT_SITELIST)
- x302A8 html/03SitesandDocs3.html| local info for site (HIDD_SITE_EDIT_PP_LOCAL)
- x302A9 html/14templatesLib11.html| orphaned editable regions (HIDD_EDITABLE_REGION_ORPHANS)
- x302D0 html/06formatting26.html| style definition for positioning (HIDD_STYLE_PP_POSITIONING)
- x302D1 html/06formatting27.html| style definition for extensions (HIDD_STYLE_PP_EXTENSIONS)
- x302D6 html/05sitemgmt15.html| site synch dialog #1 (HIDD_SYNC_DIALOG)
- x50066 html/14templatesLib4.html| new/mark editable region, currently editable regions (HIDD_NEW_EDITABLE_REGION)
- x31F41 html/03SitesandDocs32.html| history palette: save as command (HIDD_HISTORY_DIALOG_SAVE_COMMAND)
- x31F54 html/16customizing6.html| edit-commands-list command (HIDD_COMMAND_EDITCOMMANDS)
- x35022 html/05sitemgmt26.html| link checker (HIDD_LINK_CHECKER)
- x3502A html/14templatesLib11.html| new from template (HIDD_NEW_FROM_TEMPLATE)
- x3502D html/05sitemgmt16.html| find/replace (HIDD_FIND_REPLACE)
- x3502E html/09layers18.html| convert layers to tables (HIDD_CONVERT_LAYERS_TO_TABLES)
- x3502F html/09layers18.html| reposition content using layers (HIDD_CONVERT_TABLES_TO_LAYERS)
- x35030 html/14templatesLib2.html| save as template (HIDD_SAVE_AS_TEMPLATE)
- x35031 html/09layers29.html| change object (HIDD_DIALOG_TIME_CHANGE_OBJ)
- x35035 html/05sitemgmt10.html| Site setting dialog, check in/check out pane (HIDD_SITE_EDIT_PP_CHECKIN)
- x35036 html/05sitemgmt3.html| server info for site (HIDD_SITE_EDIT_PP_SERVER)
- x35037 html/04LinkingNav19.html| modifying site map layout for site (HIDD_SITE_EDIT_PP_VIEW)
- x35038 html/04LinkingNav20.html| link to new file in site window (HIDD_SITEVIEWNEWFILE)
- x3503A html/04LinkingNav25.html| link mgmt: update files (HIDD_SITE_UPDATE_DIALOG)
- x3503B html/04LinkingNav26.html| change link sitewide (HIDD_SITE_CHANGE_LINK_DIALOG)
- x35046 html/05sitemgmt15.html| site synch dialog #2 (HIDD_SITE_SYNC)
- x35047 html/05sitemgmt32.html| Design Notes (HIDD_SITE_EDIT_PP_INFO)
- x50064 html/05sitemgmt14.html| "your file contains high ASCII" (IDD_HIGH_ASCII_WARNING)
- x50065 | "tables in forms won't be converted" -- remove help button from this? (IDD_TABLES_IN_FORMS_WARNING) ???
- |
- |Palettes & inspectors:
- x30119 html/06formatting18.html| CSS Style palette (HIDD_STYLE_PALETTE)
- x3011D html/06formatting11.html#66250| HTML Styles palette (HIDD_HSTYLE_PALETTE)
- x30139 html/14templatesLib26.html| library palette (HIDD_REPELEM_PANE)
- x30143 html/09layers22.html| Timeline inspector (HIDD_TIME_DIALOG)
- x3015E html/09layers3.html| Layer palette (HIDD_LAYERS_PALETTE)
- x3018D html/13editingHTML3.html| HTML Source inspector (HIDD_HTML_INSPECTOR)
- x3024A html/10frames7.html| Frame inspector (HIDD_FRAMES_PALETTE)
- x3027C html/12behaviors2.html| Behavior inspector (HIDD_BEHAVIOR_PALETTE)
- x35041 html/14templatesLib10.html| template palette (HIDD_TEMPLATE_PANE)
- x35044 html/03SitesandDocs26.html| History palette (HIDD_HISTORY_PALETTE)
- x3024B html/02basics12.html| Object palette (HIDD_OBJECT_PALETTE)
- |
- |Property Inspectors:
- x30107 html/11multimedia15.html| ActiveX (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_ACTIVEX)
- x30109 html/11multimedia11.html| Netscape plugin (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_EMBED)
- x3010B html/11multimedia17.html| applet (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_APPLET)
- x3010D html/04LinkingNav9.html| named anchor (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_ANCHOR)
- x3011E html/15forms2.html| form (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FORM)
- x3011F html/15forms5.html| button (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FORM_BUTTON)
- x30120 html/15forms7.html| checkbox (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FORM_CHECKBOX)
- x30121 html/15forms8.html| radio button (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FORM_RADIOBUTTON)
- x30122 html/15forms4.html| text field (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FORM_TEXTFIELD)
- x30123 html/15forms9.html| list/menu (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FORM_LIST)
- x30124 html/08tables7.html| table (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_TABLE)
- x301A5 html/10frames15.html| frameset (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FRAMESET)
- x30230 html/07images3.html| image (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_IMAGE)
- x30231 html/07images9.html| image map (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_IMAGEMAP)
- x3023F html/06formatting8.html| text (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_TEXT)
- x30247 html/13editingHTML18.html| invalid markup (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_INVALID_MARKUP)
- x30248 html/14templatesLib25.html| library item (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_REPELEM)
- x30249 html/09layers6.html| layer (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_LAYER)
- x3024C html/10frames14.html| frame (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FRAME)
- x3025F html/13editingHTML24.html| script (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_SCRIPT)
- x30260 html/03SitesandDocs15.html| hr (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_HR)
- x30261 html/13editingHTML25.html| comment (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_COMMENT)
- x3026A html/11multimedia5.html| shockwave (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_SHOCKWAVE)
- x3026B html/11multimedia7.html| flash (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FLASH)
- x302D3 html/11multimedia8.html| aftershock (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_AFTERSHOCK)
- x35023 html/15forms10.html| file field (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FORM_FILE)
- x35024 html/15forms12.html| generic form field (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FORM_GENERIC)
- x35025 html/15forms11.html| hidden field (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FORM_HIDDEN)
- x35026 html/15forms6.html| image field (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_FORM_IMAGE)
- x3502B html/13editingHTML22.html| CFML (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_CFML)
- x3502C html/13editingHTML22.html| ASP (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_ASP)
- x35032 html/08tables8.html| table cell, in expando portion (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_TABLECELL)
- x35033 html/06formatting8.html| expando area containing "list items" button -- named badly, goes to Text Properties page (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_TARGET)
- x35039 html/09layers7.html| multiple layers (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_MULT_LAYERS)
- |
- |No Help buttons:
- x30065 | frameset floater -- incorrect ID, from 2.0, left here for archival purposes
- x30066 | automated translation -- changed to 0x301A6
- x30081 | browser target check -- changed to 0x301C1
- x30082 | site window -- changed to 0x301C2
- x30086 | grid settings -- changed to 0x301C6
- x300CB | debug only (HIDD_FLOATER_DOC_TREE)
- x300E4 | warning on tag fix/remove (HIDD_HTML_ERRORS_DETECTED)
- x30138 | list inspector -- not in use (HIDD_PROP_INSPECT_LIST)
- x3013C | jsMFC dialog container (HIDD_DIALOG_CONTAINER)
- x30144 | upload/download dependent files (HIDD_DEPENDENTFILES)
- x30156 | Site > Connect (HIDD_CONNECTDLG)
- x3018E | (HIDD_LIST_SHEET)
- x301C0 | password, if not saved (HIDD_PWDLG)
- x30209 | image map editor -- obsolete
- x3020B | system folder-chooser (HIDD_TITAN_DIR_PICKER)
- x30214 | add params to ActiveX etc -- no longer in use (HIDD_DIALOG_ADD_PARAM)
- x30254 | (HIDD_BTC_STATUS)
- x30265 | generic button (HIDD_PICTBTN)
- x30266 | to be removed from product (HIDD_SITEDLG)
- x30293 | 03SitesandDocs15.html| site view layout from menu (HIDD_SITEVIEW)
- x302CD | Preview-in-Browser Add (HIDD_PIB_ADD)
- x302CE | Preview-in-Browser Edit (HIDD_PIB_EDIT)
- x307E4 | new/mark editable region -- changed to 0x3081B
- x34650 | (HIDD_LIST_PICTBTN)
- x35019 | (HIDD_TRIAL_DIALOG)
- x3501B | removed from product; now in gen'l prefs (HIDD_PREFS_SPELLING)
- x3501E | ftp timed out (HIDD_FTPTIMEOUTDLG)
- x35028 | currently editable regions -- changed to 0x3081B (HIDD_GENERIC_NAMED_THING)
- x35034 | generic (HIDD_DIALOG_EDIT_VALUE)
- x3503D | no-cache warning (HIDD_WARNING_CACHE_DIALOG)
- x3503F | "want to build a site map?" (HIDD_SITEVIEW_BUILDTREE_DIALOG)
- x35042 | library items -- "repeating elements" (HIDD_REPELEM_UPDATE_DIALOG)
- x35043 | "it's a read-only file" (HIDD_READONLY_DIALOG)
- x35045 | multiple read-only files (HIDD_READONLY_DIALOG_MULT)
- x35048 | Design Notes > Clean Up -- would only point to same page as main Design Notes dialog (HIDD_CLEAN_UP_METAFILES)